Fluke fish, also known as summer flounder, are a popular target for anglers due to their delicious taste and challenging catch. Its tasty, delicate meat and reasonably easy catch make it one of the most sought-after prey during fishing. These top tips will help you maximize your success and enjoyment while fluke fishing, regardless of whether you are a seasoned angler or just starting.
What’s A Fluke Fish?
Some information about fluke fish is essential before using these tips. They are bottom-dwelling fish typically found along the Atlantic coast of the United States, from Maine to Florida. They usually prefer sandy or muddy bottoms and frequently occur in coastal bays, estuaries, and offshore waters.
Fluke’s Identity
- Appearance: they have a flat body which is not symmetrical with both eyes at one side of their head. Their coloration is usually light brown with spots, helping them blend into the ocean floor.
- Size: Their weight range is small, typically between 1-5 pounds. Some specimens can exceed 10 pounds. These huge ones are referred to as doormats or trophy-sized fish.
- Behavior: The typical feeding behavior of flukes consists of ambushing movements from their bottom-dwelling area, followed by attacks on passing prey such as small fish, squid, and crustaceans.
The Best Time for Flukes Fishing
Timing counts when it comes to being successful in catching fluking. It runs through late spring till early autumn with August being the peak season. Temperature preference also matters because fluke prefers warmer waters ranging from 60 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit.
Optimum Timeframes for Fishing
- Morning and Evening Hours: Patience is vital during the morning hours before sunrise and the evening following sunset, as these are the times when flukes are observed actively searching for food.
- Tidal Influence: Other aspects related to tides, such as incoming or outgoing tides, are tendencies that help improve fishing success rates. This is because flukes often feed at these times.

Essential Fluke Fishing Gears
Having the right gears will make a huge difference in your fluking experience. Here are some things you should have:
Fishing Rod and Reel
- Med-Heavy Rod: A fast-action tip on a medium-to-heavy rod is good for bite detection and hook setting.
- Spinning/Conventional Reel: Spinning and conventional reels work well; however, ensure the reel has an adequate drag system.
Line and Terminal Tackle
- Braided Line: It is advised to use a 20-30 lb braided line due to its sensitivity and strength.
- Fluorocarbon Leader: Using a 20-30 lb fluoro leader helps reduce visibility underwater.
- Hooks: Use hooks of 2/0 to 5/0, depending on the size of the bait being used.
- Sinkers: for keeping your bait near the bottom include egg sinkers or bank sinkers which come in weights ranging from one ounce up to six ounces in different sizes.
Baits and Lures
- Live Bait: Minnows, squid strips, and small fish like mullet or bunker would work great as live bait.
- Artificial Lures: Bucktail jigs, soft plastic baits, and fluke rigs with flash spinners/blades can attract flukes very well if properly presented.
Techniques for Fluke Fishing
Several techniques must be mastered by anyone who wants a successful fluke fishing trip. The following are proven approaches:
Drifting is one of the best ways to catch flukes. It allows your boat to move with the water current while your bait bounces along the bottom of the sea bed.
- Speed Control: It’s crucial to adjust your drift speed to prevent your bait from leaving the bottom. If you’re too fast, your bait might lift off the bottom, affecting your chances of catching fish. If you’re too slow, you might need to cover more ground.
- Bouncing the Bottom: You can make your bait jump and fall repeatedly as it grazes the bottom like a prey animal.
Also, anchoring can be beneficial when a place is productive or has strong currents.
- Chumming: Attract fluke to your area by using small pieces of fish or bait to create a chum slick.
- Fan Casting: Scatter your bait around different parts of the boat to cover more ground.
The jigging technique is a practice involving pretending to jig’s movement as if it was a prey in motion,
- Vertical Jigging: Release down your jig so that it can touch on the surface taking flukes attention on you with an upward jerking motion.
- Bucktail Jigging: Bucktail jigs tipped with a squid strip or soft plastic baits work very well.

Finding Fluke Hotspots
The location of fluke is hard to find but here is some help towards finding hotspots for them:
Structure and Habitat
- Sandy and Muddy Bottoms: Fluke prefers sandy or muddy bottoms where they can easily camouflage themselves.
- Drop-offs and Ledges: There are times when flukes can be found below the water around drop-offs, ledges, and channels for example into deep sea fishing NJ at 50 miles out from the coast.
- Artificial Reefs and Wrecks: These structures provide excellent habitats for fluke and their prey.
Using Technology
- Fish Finders: Modern fish finders have made it easier for fishermen to locate fluke by helping them identify bottom contours and fish-holding structures like mud hole fishing reports 2017.
- GPS: GPS helps mark productive spots, and a map of possible fluke hotspots can be created.
Tips for Successful Fluke Fishing
In addition, here are some more tricks that could increase your chances of catching flukes:
- Pay Attention to Tides: Fluke fishing can be more productive during certain tidal conditions. The flow and eddy currents caused by incoming and outgoing tides enhance feeding action.
- Use the Right Bait: It is essential to have the right bait. Although live bait may be more effective than artificial lures, experimenting with different brands helps determine what works best under various circumstances.
- Adapt Your Technique: Adapt your technique based on the conditions. If drifting isn’t producing results, you have the resourcefulness to try anchoring, chumming, or jigging.
- Stay Patient and Persistent: Fluke fishing requires patience and persistence. To get it right, you must work from one spot to another, trying a range of baits and methods until you find one that clicks.
- Keep Your Hooks Sharp: Sharp hooks are essential for successful hook sets. Frequently inspect and sharpen your hooks to avoid missing any bites.
- Observe Local Regulations: Sustainable fishing practices require knowledge of local fishing regulations such as bag limits, length restrictions, etc.
Fishing for fluke is an enjoyable but challenging hobby that gives personal fulfillment. Understanding how they live in their environments, having the necessary tools, and applying efficient methods will give you an upper hand while angling them successfully. Be patient with yourself; experimentation can also bring about desired results. And remember, being on the water offers a unique sense of peace and relaxation. With these top tips, you’ll be well-equipped to catch fluke fish this season and create lasting fishing memories.